American Honey Pageantry February

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

14 New Years Resolutions You Should Have for 2014

We have created a list of the 14 New Years Resolutions You Should Have for 2014

Lets make the most of 2014! This is going to be a great year!

1. Set Goals
Achieve your goals, once you achieve, set a new goal, set it higher. Set a goal completely out of reach, the victory will taste so much sweeter, and you will experience new things!

2. Get Healthy
Do not just exercise for January. Plan to eat healthy foods. Plan to exercise daily, even if it is just 20 crunches, get yourself to form a habit. Change your life style to keep you on the right track, stop buying potato chips and soda. If you don't have them on hand you wont be able to snack on them!

3. Turn off the TV
You will find so much more time to be productive if you don't have TV to watch. It will be easier to exercise too, you wont have to wait for your favorite show to end!

4. Look for the Best in Others
There is always someone who is hard to deal with. Find a good quality in that person. Even if it is as small as liking the way they dress. Gradually, you will find a few more things you like about that person. When you look for the best in others, others will see the best in you!

5. Remember Others
Make a plan to remember every ones birthday, and simply give them a card or a candy. Or send a valentine to an old friend. It is a powerful gratitude people feel when they are remembered. And always, treat others the way you want to be treated!

6. Be Kind
Always be kind. Be kind when your family is rude to you. Be kind when your waitress messes up your meal. Kindness does not go unnoticed. Kind people are a joy to be around, and it makes relationships a lot easier when no one is being rude!

7. Go outside and Play
Do it every day. Even sometimes when its cold! Some days it feels extra nice to breathe in fresh cold air. Swing on the monkey bars if you can, don't be too shy to swing because of the 6 year old giving you the stink eye.

8. Listen to More Music
You know how on reality TV shows the music makes the show a whole lot better/feel good. Music can create those moments in reality too. When you're cooking, when you just achieve a goal, celebrate with a little victory song!

9. Love Yourself
You must love yourself first before you can truly love others. Take time for an extra 5 minutes in the shower. Buy that new pair of boots (Note to Self ;) , treat yourself to a gourmet dessert every now and then. Whatever makes you feel special, give yourself more of that. You will be happier, others will love you for that.

10. Wake Up Earlier, Go to Bed Earlier
The sun rise is beautiful. Don't continue to miss it. It makes the day seem so much longer the earlier when you wake up. Since we are all being productive in 2014, long days are a good thing!

11. Stop Being a Hater
It is officially time to pour out your glass of haterade! And don't refill it! Lets stop downing peoples accomplishments by making comments about how it "could" have or "should" have been done. Since we are all going to loose weight between now and February... lets not make comments about the weight coming back in May...

12. Pay it forward
Do it in secret, it will always bring you a secret satisfaction that you do not have to prove to others. "Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that you may be giving in secret." You will be rewarded.

13. Stay off Your Phone at Dinner
Do you really need to check all of your social media accounts during dinner, on the drive to dinner, and when you leave dinner? Pay attention to the people around you, they will appreciate it, and take notice of your attentiveness!

14. Be fearless
Be selectively fearless. In all matters be smart, and think situations through. But if you think it will make you a better person, by all means go for it. Don't be afraid to do something because it may not work out, the victory will come simply because you have it your best attempt.

Make the most of 2014! This is your year!

-xoxo American Honey Pageantry

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